Did you know that Women Attempt Suicide more than Men but Men Die more?

Suicide Prevention

The dynamics and the complexity of the psycho-social society today have led to an increment in suicide cases in the world.

Suicide has become one of the leading causes of death worldwide and the fourth leading cause of death for adolescents and young adults aged between 15-19 years.

In Kenya alone, it is estimated that 311 people die of suicide yearly 77 being women and 240 men Central Kenya being the most affected.

In the year 2022, a total of 33 out of 4206 verbal autopsies conducted in Western Kenya confirmed suicide as a cause of death.

This is according to research by BioMed Central {BMC} Psychiatry which clarified that these are not the actual numbers, especially for low-income and middle-income countries like Kenya where the available data on suicide underestimates the true suicidal burden due to reporting related to stigma and legal restrictions and representation of those not utilizing health care facilities.

Read Also: Suicide Prevention: How to spot the Warning Signs

Suicidal thoughts have become common and research indicates that one out of 5 people have in one way or the other deliberated on taking their own life at some point. And some even have suicidal intent which is when a person reaches a point where they want to kill themselves.

The list of causes of suicide is endless and it varies from one person to another but the major reason for committing suicide has been established as someone wanting to be relieved of the weight of the burden and pain they hold emotionally and mentally.

This is according to Pendo Ochola A hospital psychologist at Chiromo Hospital Pendo warned about the behavioural signs that people should look out for Some of which are;

  • Verbalizing that they want to die,
  • Embarking on doing research on suicide and even acquiring materials to use,
  • Some will plan their successors by drafting wills,
  • Contacting families and bidding them farewell,
  • Some people will see increased alcohol and substance abuse,
  • Risky driving
  • And even withdraw from people or their daily routines.

There are also increased cases of people showing the intent of committing suicide on social media as well as people sending text messages which have an undertone.

Psychiatrists are working around the clock to destigmatize mental health and the conversation around suicide because for a long time, suicide has had a criminal undertone derived from the term committing suicide which they are trying to convert to dying by suicide.

Being a judgmental society has made it impossible for people with thoughts or intent of committing suicide to seek help. She advised creating a safe space for these people to reach out and listen without being judgmental and then link them to someone who would be of help to them which could be a counsellor or a psychologist or even any medical practitioner available who will be able to make the linking to the right professional.

Seeking help reduces emotional and sometimes physical pain as well.

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