Relationships are certainly not a bed of roses. There are difficulties that one has to face in order to have a healthy long-lasting relationship, however, if a relationship turns toxic and abusive one ought to pack up and leave.
But some tend to stay in the relationship here are the reasons why
It is better than being single.
Many people prefer being in a relationship to being single. They fear that they are going to be lonely and never get somebody to love them after they break. Honestly is better to be happily single than be in a relationship that drains you physically mentally and emotionally.
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This thought only comes when you want to appease society too making them see that you are following the societies norms but your happiness should come first. Hence one should leave and explore life more.
I am in love with them
It’s true that a person can be profoundly and immensely in love with a person but it is only one-sided. A relationship should never be 50/50 but both of you should give your all to keep the relationship afloat.
However, when a relationship is one-sided you end up getting hurt because your love is not being reciprocated on top of that your partner is toxic and abusive. It’s time you let go and move on to explore better options.
It will hurt but people heal and learn from experiences. Emerging to be a better version of what they were before.
They provide Financial Aid
It is always advisable for a person to be financially stable before being in a relationship. Being financially stable gives you the freedom to do a lot of things.
If you cannot survive financially you should change that and aim toward earning your own money by starting your own business.
Going back to school in order for you to be in demand on the job market or even trivial things that will earn you money. With the money, you have earned leave the relationship for your mental stability.
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