Prof Hamo the Churchill show comedian credits God for his success in the Industry, he confesses having shed tears while he speaks to God.
Being raised in a strictly Christian family, Prof Hamo learned to know God and praise him from his parents, he recalls when his father was in the army and they had to pray.
Apart from that, his father made an alter in their home in which he had to pray before going to sleep failure to which his father would wake him up and tell them to pray. According to Star, he said.

“Mungu ni mwema, that’s the beauty of it. I grew up in a family where my father was in the army and every day, we had to pray as a Catholic, there was an altar my dad was creating in our home every night, and if you slept before praying, he would wake you up. So that is where I started.”Hamo narrated.
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However, in his Christian life, he has lost his way sometimes claiming that he was too busy for God.
He remembers that he prays before going to perform on stage but after getting famous he forgot where he came from. Prof Hamo started feeling lonely after pushing God away for a while however, he is back on the right track and also urges his fans to know God and make time for him.
“Prof Hamo kidogo akachanganya na town kidogo then he came back. Tonight is a rebirth because my relationship with God has been shaky. It got to a place and I told God to leave me alone for a bit I used to pray before I go on stage and I feel His presence, but then I found myself not having time to pray since I was too busy for Him..” He says.
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