China’s 2nd Space Station Lab Ready for Launch

China’s space station lab module Mengtian and its carrier rocket Long March-5B Y4, have been transported to the launching area at the Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site in Hainan Province.

The technological lab module will be strategically sent into orbit at an appropriate time in the near future.

A solid idea of the launch automatically will be checked and joint tests will be carried out as planned.

Footage;China’s 2nd Space station lab module ready for its launch.


Significantly, the facilities and equipment at the Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site in the southern province of Hainan are in favourable condition, and all departments involved in the mission are undergoing final stage preparations, the agency said.

Purely identified, the scientific equipment in the Mengtian module, the second lab component of China’s under-construction space station, will be used for the technological studying of microgravity and carrying out experiments in fluid physics, materials science, combustion science, and fundamental physics.

Specifically, China’s scientific idea is to upgrade its technological research into space, hence challenging other countries.

China’s Manned Space Agency said on Tuesday, October 25, 2022, that the station lab module Mengtian has been successfully transported to the launching site ready for its day and date.

Furthermore, the world at large is now on high alert about the scientific research launch into space.

On the other hand, the carrier rocket Long March-5B Y4 is typically a good condition and carried a significant role in the transportation process at large.

Being on the world’s headlines, China now entering into another level of space technology.

In addition, China’s Spacy Agency is smartly working hand in hand with the successful launching process which is on set.

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