Over 3 million Kenyans face starvation amidst gripping drought


Drought has become a concern to the survival of over 3 million Kenyans in the country as the impacts of food scarcity keep getting worse.

This is according to The National Drought Management Authority (NDMA) which revealed 10 counties that are in dire need of humanitarian aid including Embu, Makueni, Garissa, Kilifi, Kitui, Meru, Narok, Nyeri, and Taita Taveta.

Food shortages are increasingly becoming alarming as climate change severely interrupts the farming of food cycles leading to hunger.

Research by NDMA and Kenya Red Cross Society (KRCS) shows a consistent rise in the number of children facing malnutrition countrywide.

The report indicates that families in arid and semi-arid lands (Asals) in 23 counties are faced with food shortages and inadequate pasture and water for their animals.

NDMA has coordinated with the government to oversee Northern Kenya’s benefit from funds with an aim to reduce the impact of malnutrition among children.

Through the Hunger Safety Net Program’s distribution, Ksh 1.1 billion disbursed by Government will be distributed among the vulnerable families in Turkana, Wajir, Mandera, and Garissa to curb adverse drought effects.

Based on the research the number of children facing acute food shortages keeps rising evidently in august it was at 884,464 and is currently at 942,000 almost at the million mark.

According to the KRCS Manager in charge of North Rift Esther Chege, they have been offering Vitamin A supplements, and deworming for children as well as promoting better child feeding practices.

“We’re partnering with USAID, Ministry of Health, and the county government in the provision of healthcare for those suffering malnutrition, especially children and the aged. We are working to save lives and build resilience in the most vulnerable communities,” she said.

The women especially the pregnant and lactating mothers in need of treatment for the severe famine are said to be at 134,000, up from 115,727 last Month.

While the counties that are currently grappling with the consequences of drought and in need of dire assistance include; Isiolo, Kajiado, Mandera, Samburu, Tana River, Tharaka Nithi, Turkana, Wajir, and Marsabit.

Based on KRCS’s latest report, some 80,000 families in West Pokot are at risk of starvation as do another 100,000 households in Turkana County.

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