International Day of Peace, dubbed as ‘ World Peace Day’ is celebrated globally on September 21st as the main event held at the UN headquarters in New York, US.
The International Day of Peace is observed worldwide on the 21st of September, and The United National General Assembly marks the day by enhancing the ultimate goals of peace among nations and people by observing non-violence and a ceasefire for 24 hours.
The 2022 theme for International Peace Day is ‘End Racism, Build Peace. The UN General Assembly has declared this as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, by observing 24 hours of non-violence and truce.

International Peace Day is symbolized by the Peace Bell, which was handed out by the United Nations Association of Japan in 1954, and it has remained a tradition to ring the bell twice a year: on the first day of spring, at the Vernal Equinox, and on 21 September to celebrate the International Day for Peace.
The history of the International Day of Peace was established in 1981 by the United Nations General Assembly, and two decades later, in 2001, the General Assembly unanimously decided to ordain the Day as a period of non-violence and truce.
This Year, the UN page on International Day of Peace highlights Racial discrimination at borders.
The United Nations Chief Secretary-General Antonio Guterres is expected to deliver a speech on the Peace Day event ongoing at the United National General Assembly held at the UN headquarter in New York.
The ongoing session has foreseen various ideas on different topics around reaching for peace solutions as well as condemning the violence.
Earlier on Wednesday 13, September, the UN chief rang the Peace Bell and made a speech before the UNGA conference, He elaborated more on global Solidarity, Commitment, and mutual trust.
“As we ring the UN Peace Bell, we sound the call for a world of peace for all people”.UN chief stated.
According to the United Nations chief, true peace encompasses not just the absence of violence but also the establishment of societies based on Equity where all members feel involved without any form of discrimination.
” It also seeks to build a world where everyone is treated equally regardless of their race, as it was declared by the UN in 1981, this day provides a worldwide shared date for all humanity to commit to peace above all differences and to contribute to building a culture of peace.” Guterres stated.
The bell was cast from coins and medals donated by the representatives of the Member States, the Pope, and people around the world, including children from over 60 different nations who seconded his idea.
The bell tower was modeled after the Hanamido a small temple decorated with flowers) that symbolizes the place where Buddha was born.
On Friday 16, September 2022, Guterres and other world Peace champs across the globe & other influential voices at the UNHQ held an event at the UN headquarters, focused on Racial discrimination and Equity to build peace.
Guterres performed the ritual of The Peace bell ringing, which happens twice a year, on the first day of spring at the Vernal Equinox, and on 21 September to celebrate the International Day for Peace.
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On the International Day for Peace, the United Nations Secretary-General rings the bell to pray for World Peace, in the presence of Representatives of Permanent Missions and officials of the UN Secretariat.