Saba Saba Day was one of the most far-reaching political events in Africa in the 90s. Kenyans marched on the streets demanding multiparty democracy and freedom from the reigns of single-party state rule, which shook the status quo.Back then, former President, Daniel Arap Moi, ruled Kenya with an Iron Fist for 24 years, under the Kenya African National Union (KANU).Fast-forward to this day and Citizens now march the streets chanting ‘No Lower Food Prices No Elections’, protesting against the government’s laxity in cushioning the people from the soaring cost of living and dwindling purchasing power.
The day is etched in history for having citizens stand up against the monotony of KANU rulership on July 7, 1990, at Kamukunji.Recalling that just three days to the unlicensed public rally at Kamukunji in the dawn of the 90s, the then Kenyan Special branch cracked their whip on the event organizers; Raila Odinga, former Cabinet ministers Kenneth Matiba and Charles Rubia, arresting and detaining the lot.However, this ruthless attack on the opposition only served to fuel the flames of resistance and was not nearly enough fear to deter the citizens from standing up for what they believed in.
The Saba Saba Match was to call for a repeal of Section 2A of the Constitution that had seen Kenya under rule as a One Party State rule which had outlawed competitive politics against the ruling party.
This historically well-placed Revolution had enforced Moi, at a December 1991 delegates’ conference of the ruling party KANU, to announce the repeal of Section 2A of the Constitution, returning Kenya to a multiparty state after more than 20 years.
‘Njaa Revolution’ ‘No Food no Elections’
Today marks 33 days to the General Elections of August 9, as the current national leaders and parties enjoy the democracy of Multi party freedom lest they forget the martyrs who suffered the burden scarred and deemed others bullets
Citizens are currently decrying high food prices that have soared greatly deeming high living costs for the people. Most are left unable to fend for themselves with basic meals on the regular as the electioneering period is around the corner.
Kenyans have marched the streets chanting ‘No Lower Food Prices No Elections’ protesting against the government’s laxity in cushioning the people from the prevailing hunger-stricken looming days.
Calling on the urgency to lower food prices as a measure toward ensuring every citizen can afford food.
The people’s demands according to the Communist Party of Kenya are;
- Improved living standards with an immediate lowering of the cost of basic commodities.
- Demand for immediate decriminalization of the youth; addressing the end to police brutality and murder of the young that go unsolved.
- Demand for social justice and full employment of the people.
- A demand for self-government that is free of all kinds of exploitation and oppression from person to person enables people to determine their destinies.
- A demand to control education for our people in that they are taught their true history, exposing the lies and failures of ruling elites.
- Rejection of foreign laws in Kenya; loans, policies, and interferences with National politics.
- Urgency in the provision of decent housing, land, education, clothing, justice, and peace.