A man of his words indeed Sonko packs off for United Democratic Alliance, Kenya Kwanza, after threatening to rather support Hassan Omar over Abdulswammad for Mombasa Governorship
The embattled former Nairobi Governor Mike Mbuvi Sonko who has been currently fighting off his way into the Mombasa Gubernatorial race has stunned his supporters by moving to Kenya Kwanza.
The move was announced on Saturday, July 30, Sonko after holding a private meeting with DP Ruto in his Karen Residence, two shared photos then DP Ruto announced through his Twitter handles.
This comes after Sonko had earlier urged the IEBC to go ahead and clear Kisauni MP Ali Mbogo to vie for the gubernatorial seat as he emphasized his say on supporting UDA’s gubernatorial candidate Hassan Omar instead of ODM’s Abdulswammad Nassir.

“I was cleared alongside my Deputy Governor Ali Mbogo. The impeachment was for Sonko not for Mbogo. We are pleading with IEBC and the government to clear Ali Mbogo to vie as governor,” Sonko said in an interview on TV47 on Thursday, July 28.
The hint has left supporters questioning whether the move to United Democratic Alliance has been considered over the stay at Wiper Party he was formerly affiliated with.
Despite the three-judge High court bench upholding a ruling from the Supreme Court that had insisted his impeachment was constitutional, Sonko argued that he still has an active appeal case, surrounding his impeachment, at the East Africa Court of Justice.