Realme: Newly launched models set to shake up the smartphone industry in Kenya

 Realme is among the fast-growing smartphone brands in
Africa. Since its first launch in 2018, the giant phone maker introduced
several new devices on the continent.
 With the recent ones being realme 9(4G) and realme C35 to the C series.Features  The realme 9(4G with its 108MP ProLight Camera, which is
powered by a Samsung ISOCELL HM6 image sensor and features a super-wide lens
and a macro lens,) ups the ante when it comes to auto-focusing in Kenya. 
 It also promises more accurate colour reproduction and a
quicker focus lock experience.
 Realme 5 Pro, one of the first mid-range smartphones with
a 48MP camera, and Realme 8, one of the few smartphones with a 64MP camera,
provide the foundation for the realm’s premium image experience.
 “The realme number series is the most popular with young
people in this and other markets around the world because it provides a premium
imaging experience that exceeds expectations from beginning to end. As we
unveil this incredible model, we anticipate a positive response in the region,”
said Mildred Agoya, PR and Marketing Manager at realme Kenya.
  The Samsung ISOCELL HM6 uses the most recent Nona Pixel
Plus technology, which has been enhanced from the conventional 3Sum-3Avg
solution to an unheard-of 9Sum readout solution.
  This results in exceptionally bright pictures shot
by the Realme 9 camera.
  In comparison to the Samsung ISOCELL HM2 image
sensor, the 9Sum Pixel Binning solution from Nona Pixel Plus technology
increases overall light intake by 123 per cent.
 Contrary to HM2’s conventional 3-average technology, this
method merges nine pixels into one. The focus accuracy of HM6 is 9 times
greater than HM2 thanks to 100% of its pixels having PDAF. 
 Providing you with a quick focusing experience might make
it simpler to produce images that are clear and appealing.
 “Moreover, after the actual photo comparison, realme
finds that the low-light photo shot on realme 9 is significantly brighter with
better colour reproduction, making it a must-have for growing popularity of
street photography,” said Mildred Agoya.
  The realme9 will also is the first phone in the market
with an exterior made through the world’s first ripple holographic design
solution, a levelled-up trendy design building on innovations from realme 8
Pro’s fluorescent design to 9 Pro’s Light Shift design.
 In addition to the realme 9(4G), realme has also introduced
the realme C35, to the realme C series family in the region.

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