Spicy Foods: Be Warned if you Consume too Much

By Faith Mudoga,

Most of us love that extra lift in our meals. Spicy foods are addictive and apart from giving you your desired flavors, they can do more to your body.  

Spicy foods have some important health benefits, but it can also upset your system, particularly your stomach.If you’ve been eating a lot of hot and spicy foods, here are some of the reasons why you might want to reconsider;

  1. Acute gastritis 

Gastritis is caused due to inflammation of the gastric mucosa, the membrane that lines the stomach.Symptoms of acute gastritis include vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, fever, headache, and blood in the stool. Most people experiencegastritis are sometimes misdiagnosed as having indigestion.


  1. Loss of appetite 

Imagine what will happen to your taste budsif you get used to eating too much spicy foods. Truth be told you’re kind of going to shift what your tongue will find appetizing. In the long run you will lose appetite for foods that are not as spicy as you desire.  

It’s fine to eat spicy food in moderation; for example, you can eat it 2-3 times a week, but not every day. If you eat too many spicy meals, you may feel a frightening loss of appetite. 

  1. Acid reflux 

Spices are a mixture of acids, and when too many of these acids are added to the stomach, which already has acidic contents of its own, the stomach walls begin to deteriorate. 

  1. They can cause acne and eczema 

“Spicy foods may cause people to break out. When spicy foods create inflammation in the gut from an upset stomach, acid reflux, or other symptoms, sometimes this inflammation can also be seen on the skin with flushing, acne breakout, or even eczema. If a particular food might be the culprit, dermatologists may suggest a person keep a food diary to pinpoint the offender.” Rebecca Tung, MD, a Florida-based dermatologist, told Allure.  

  1. Gastric ulcer 

Eating spicy meals can irritate ulcers in the mucosal lining of the small intestine, known as the duodenum, or even the esophagus, making them worse.  

If not taken care of they can get worse and even be permanent. 

  1. They can affect your voice

Too much of spice in your food can irritate your throat. “If you’re someone who suffers from acid reflux—something commonly brought on by the consumption of spicy foods—it can lead to not only vomiting but also to soreness, swelling, and “a horse, muffled voice.” Said a health experts at The Mayo Clinic. 

  1. Can cause bad breathe 

Bad breath can be caused by a variety of meals, including onions and garlic, but spicy foods can also be a source, owing to the digestive issues that these dishes can produce. 

When you get heartburn, the contents of your stomach travel back up your esophagus, causing a foul-smelling gas to flow out of your mouth. 

  1. Can cause runs 

Spicyfoods can cause diarrhea. Spicy seasoning is, in fact, one of the most common causes of food-related diarrhea. 

Food that has been spiced too much might just be too much for your stomach to handle. 


You can avoid damaging your stomach by trying to limit your intake of spicy foods as much as possible. Spicy foods are good but they should be consumed responsibly.  

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