Police retrieve 22 firearms, ammunition in Kilimani Apartment

By Mujidu Victor,

Police officers have recovered assorted weapons and ammunition at a Kilimani apartment rented by a firearm dealer.

The police discovered 22 firearms and over 565 rounds of ammunition in one of the rooms, after the auctioneer broke into the apartment to remove goods belonging to the tenant.

“Police officers who were providing security services vide court order misc app.no E598 of 2022 issued to Ballon Wanjala Nangalama T/A Hebros auctioneers to break in and remove the proclaimed goods belonging to the tenant namely Ken Lugwili of Vic. technologies limited and issue notification of sale for the purpose of auctioning to recover rent arrears totaling to ksh.4,962,990 plus another incidental cost of the attachment,” read the police report seen on DCI’s Twitter account.

Among the recovered firearms were six pistols, one Benelli shotgun, five Guatro, and 9 Escort magnum shotguns.

According to the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI), detectives from the Anti-Terror Police Unit (ATPU) have launched a manhunt for the owner of the house where they found the cache of firearms and ammunition.

Other recovered items were a certificate of registration as a firearm dealer, an expired Nairobi City County business permit, a firearm movement register, and assorted firearm manuals.

Police said the recovered items were taken to Kilimani police station before the case was handed over to ATPU officers.

They have given the said suspect 24 hours to report to the nearest police station.

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