ICT Minister Mucheru Introduces First Coding Curriculum in Kenya

Kodris Africa in collaboration with the Ministry of Information Communication and Technology (ICT) and Innovation, have officially launched the first Coding Studies program into the Kenyan education system, which will be taught in both primary and secondary school.

Present at the launch was ICT minister Joe Mucheru, who was the guest of honor for the occasion.

Mugumo Munene, Kodris Africa’s CEO, commended the inaugural program in Africa that is approved by KICD and PEARSON, as one that will largely stands to benefit over 20 million citizens. 

The digital literacy program has achieved enormous gains in the distribution of technology and without strategic partners, we would not be able to achieve or dream of, Democratizing Coding for our children,” Munene said in his opening remarks. 

Kodris Africa has a plan to launch in up to 40 African countries as a step towards empowering the future generation. 

The technological world keeps shifting and there is a need to keep up or fall off hence with coding in the studies, the students will be able technologically. 

It is a move that will prove beneficial to the Innovation sector and the development of the information and communications technology industry. It is a key area that has proved impactful in public sector operations. 

George Njuguna, Safaricom CIO, upon the unveiling of the coding studies in the Kenyan curriculum, said the development would be of major assistance in fixing the mismatch in the job market. 

Lena Yego, head of retail banking and COOP Bank representative said, “learning to code has become essential to the digital world. We are on the forefront as a retail bank to provide financial solutions to all stakeholders for this is a great initiative for our children.” 

David Nyamu, Equity Bank Director of Marketing, who also attended the event, praised the program and commended the government for having done its best in delivering laptops to the public schools even though they haven’t been put to much use. 

Nyamu visualizes this as the opportune time for delivery and assures that Equity Bank can be counted on to walk with KODRIS in this wonderful journey. 

Fred kioko, Head of management and integration KCB Group, spoke on the formal partnership in place with KODRIS Africa and shared a target to reach 9, 000 schools in the offer of Kodris since Coding influences design and critical thinking. While KCB is indeed all about worldwide reach. 

Nancy Njau, Family Bank Chief Officer public sector, emphasizing what technology has done for us, expressed her pride that tech has enabled up to 90% of the transactions to be virtual.

“Hence am assured that this initiative will indeed equip the job market necessary skills to drive the economy,” she stated. 

The event was also attended by Stanbic Bank CEO Charles Mudiwa, who offered the banks support of the program as they pledged to contribute 100 computers to offer skills that are required envisioning up to 5,000 people trained by end of next year as the target. 

Charles Achome, who spoke on behalf of the Private Schools Association, s they’re coming together to supplement what public schools have been doing in education. Being more than 10,000 schools, with the help from the government in the management of junior schools, mentioned a readiness to partner with Kodris. 

“Our criminals are tech-savvy, so if the police are not ahead of the criminals, then what will become your fate as far as safety and security is concerned? It is my greatest joy as a police officer representing the National Police Service. I thank the brains behind this product for it is going harmonize the academic standard in the country.DCI head George Kinoti said.

Joe mucheru, cabinet secretary ICT in praise of the program said, “This program is not only important to our country but also Africa at large and we want to congratulate Kodris Africa for this great initiative.” 

Further offering gratitude for the partners attending, “This a great indication that ICT is very important, the digital literacy program has expanded and all public and private schools have the access to this digital. The theme of this event is about the power of partnership,” he added. 

In conclusion, the ICT boss expressed empowerment through this program as with Africa’s Free Trade Area this will be an opportunity to reach over 1.4 billion people through the technology. 









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